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Topics - jelle

Pages: [1]
Host Forum: Sonic Visualiser / sonic visualiser real time?
« on: March 28, 2011, 14:31:27 »
I use Sonic Visualiser to analyse industrial sounds like vibrations from pipelines. Is it possible to feed audio real time into Sonic Visualiser? Or what would it take to modify the program to accommodate this? In a best case Sonic would enable real time vibration monitoring...

Getting and Using Vamp Plugins / manual alignment
« on: November 22, 2010, 15:28:07 »
Hi there,
Sonic Visualiser is fantastic! I have just installed the MATCH plugin...
I would like to allign two recordings ( of different length, start- and end point) of one single event. So only a certain frame of file 2 matches file 1.
A. can I allign these files manually (as the rhythm is the same)
B. can SV with MATCH plugin do this for me?
Thanks again,

Getting and Using Vamp Plugins / install MATCH plugin
« on: November 16, 2010, 14:26:30 »
Good afternoon,
Thanks for building and sharing Sonic Visualiser, it's a great programm!
I use SV and would like to install the MATCH plugin. However after downloading and unfolding the file I can not find the .DLL file.
My computer runs on Windows. Can you please guide me through the installation of the plugin?
Many Thanks,
Jelle Krouwel, The Netherlands

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