I'd like to know, if it will have an effect on the test results, if I use MP3s or WAV (i.e. AIFF = CD-audio).
I imagine, since MP3 is more compressed, the used codec might have e.g. compressed the loudness of the music, too.
I have to compare interpretations of a neo-romantic/modern symphony and while getting MP3s of all interpretations would be the easiest and cheapest way, I fear I will miss something of the original that got compressed out of a studio file, while I think the wav/Aiff/CD-Audio will have more of the orifinal studio/live-recording.
Also I guess, I should not mix MP3 and WAV interpretations, right?
Also, I guess, I should not use some MP3s from Spotify and compare to some MP3s converted from CD-audio with iTunes or mepgstreamclip or different MP3-portals/streaming-services, right?
Well, of course, I could just test it and make it part of the text I am working on.
Thank you.