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Messages - Jokot

Pages: [1]
Host Forum: Sonic Visualiser / 3D visualization?
« on: December 17, 2008, 10:28:01 »
Hello everybody,

I am analyzing inspiratory sounds with sonic visualiser and can make very good use of it. The software is easy to handle and to learn.
Although it gets stuck from now and then (after heavy commands).

I'd like to ask if there is a three dimensional visualization other than the tFFT. I understand it is 3D, but the human visual interpretation can't interpretate (color)intensity as good as 3D visualization. Especially the interpretation by someone not familiar with sound-analysis and FFT.

I am looking for a graph with time (sec) and frequency (Hz) on the horizontal axis (x/y) and intensity (dB) in the vertical axis (z)

Maybe there is some sort of plugin?

Many thanks,

The Netherlands

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