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Messages - yanfog

Pages: [1]
Thanks, but this is the manually way that i used... ;)
Please Let me know if anyone know where is the "goto" button found.. ;)

After I execute one of the plug-in, I need to search by one of the bins output properties like:
Time: frame, sec
Properties: value, text

For example: I want to go directly to time 197 sec in my audio file without seek it manually…

Is it possible? How could I do it?

Plugin Development / Re: build new dll from the example
« on: December 10, 2008, 22:50:46 »
ok, i figure it out... i add thoes miss files to my project...

Plugin Development / Re: build new dll from the example
« on: December 07, 2008, 20:26:20 »
thanks for your help,
i add this code to the PercussionOnsetDetector.cpp

static Vamp::PluginAdapter<PercussionOnsetDetector> percussionOnsetAdapter;

const VampPluginDescriptor *vampGetPluginDescriptor(unsigned int version,
                                                    unsigned int index)
   return percussionOnsetAdapter.getDescriptor(); 

and now i get:
PercussionOnsetDetector.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: __thiscall Vamp::PluginAdapterBase::PluginAdapterBase(void)" (??0PluginAdapterBase@Vamp@@IAE@XZ)
1>PercussionOnsetDetector.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: struct _VampPluginDescriptor const * __thiscall Vamp::PluginAdapterBase::getDescriptor(void)" (?getDescriptor@PluginAdapterBase@Vamp@@QAEPBU_VampPluginDescriptor@@XZ)
1>PercussionOnsetDetector.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual __thiscall Vamp::PluginAdapterBase::~PluginAdapterBase(void)" (??1PluginAdapterBase@Vamp@@UAE@XZ)

have any idea why ?

Plugin Development / build new dll from the example
« on: November 29, 2008, 13:58:08 »
i download the PercussionOnsetDetector example source code-  and build it to dll.
when i put it in the C:\Program Files\Vamp Plugins folder, the sonic-visualiser didn't recognize it.
what did i do wrong?

Pages: [1]