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Messages - sandoval31

Pages: [1]
Plugin Development / Re: Mean of a feature
« on: April 18, 2011, 13:43:18 »
no answer ? :-[

Plugin Development / Re: Mean of a feature
« on: April 15, 2011, 11:00:59 »
Hi Chris

Thanks for your answer. Actually I've already build all the chain (feature extraction + mean + segmentation with a threshold) in another language, and I use Sonic Vizualiser to watch the results ( that I export in .txt).
I came to Wamp plugin only to have one step less. (feature extraction + segmentation+ visualisation directly in sonic vizualiser)
I've just miss the mean step !

Sonic Annotator seems interesting for other points, but for my need it seems if I use it, that I would have to process several step (in command lines) before to view my feature in sonic visualizer.
What do you think ?

About your other proposition :
"Plugin chaining is not something that's supported in the Vamp API, although you could write a Vamp plugin that was also a Vamp host and that loaded its own plugins.   The Vamp API won't go out of its way to help you if you try to do this but I don't think it will stand in your way."

I don't realy understand your second sentence. ??? What do you mean ? (that's the topic :P). Is it possible (and relatively easy, as I'm not a c++ crack) to do it in a host plugin ?


Plugin Development / Mean of a feature
« on: April 15, 2011, 08:37:45 »

I'd like to implement some process above the extraction of a feature.
For example the mean (or the minimum) of the feature on a window larger than the window used to process the calculation.
Is it possible ?
I saw somewhere that plugin chaining is not possible  :'(
Is there an another do process this ?

Thanks a lot

Pages: [1]