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Messages - v0idnull

Pages: [1]
Host Forum: Sonic Visualiser / Command Line Interface?
« on: February 03, 2010, 02:11:51 »
Sonic Visualizer does everything I want, except... no CLI :(

I have very little experience with CPP, but if there is some way I can help out trying to bring a CLI to Sonic Visualizer, I'd love to know how.

It would be really cool to be able to something like:

$ sonic_visualizer --file=mySound.wav --size=1000x200 --start-gradient=255.255.255 --mid-gradient=100.100.100 --end-gradient=1.1.1 --output=picture.png

I could see a parameter list like this:

--file - input sound format (whatever sv supports)
--size - Size of output image
--graph - Set to 1 if you want a graph to be drawn
--start-gradient - Colour seperated by periods (RGB) for lower amplitudes
--mid-gradient - Colour for mid amplitudes
--end-gradient - Colour for high amplitudes
--output - Output file (png)
--stereo - Output graph in stereo
--graph-plugin - FFT, spectrograph, waveform, etc etc etc

Probably others that I'm neglecting...

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