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What Plugins are needed to compare parameters of different musical interpretations (recordings) of classic music? In this case a Symphony conducted by different conductors.

do I need any of the plugins to have a complete test set for lets say "conservative" use? (compare what the conductor let the orchestra let sound/play/do different. Of course I know that the guy at the mixer will have an influence, too to some degree, but... anyway.)

It this is a stupid question, please don't ignore, but tell me, that it is stupid, so I don't wait for answers any longer.
Host Forum: Sonic Visualiser / Re: MP3 or WAV different result?
« Last post by Apfelmatsch on April 24, 2015, 14:02:56 »
Does no one have an answer or did I ask a stupid question?
Host Forum: Sonic Visualiser / MP3 or WAV different result?
« Last post by Apfelmatsch on April 21, 2015, 21:50:40 »

I'd like to know, if it will have an effect on the test results, if I use MP3s or WAV (i.e. AIFF = CD-audio).

I imagine, since MP3 is more compressed, the used codec might have e.g. compressed the loudness of the music, too.

I have to compare interpretations of a neo-romantic/modern symphony and while getting MP3s of all interpretations would be the easiest and cheapest way, I fear I will miss something of the original that got compressed out of a studio file, while I think the wav/Aiff/CD-Audio will have more of the orifinal studio/live-recording.
Also I guess, I should not mix MP3 and WAV interpretations, right?
Also, I guess, I should not use some MP3s from Spotify and compare to some MP3s converted from CD-audio with iTunes or mepgstreamclip or different MP3-portals/streaming-services, right?

Well, of course, I could just test it and make it part of the text I am working on.

Thank you.
Getting and Using Vamp Plugins / libaubio.dylib
« Last post by Shapour on March 21, 2015, 22:52:27 »
As I am trying to install/use plugins, the program does not recognize them. Here is out put of the program.
Am I supposed to have the libaubio.dylib already under my /usr/local/lib? Where do I get it from?
Am I supposed to do something before simply copying the three plugin files into the /Library/audio/Plug-Ins/Vamp?
WARNING: FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: Failed to load library /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Vamp/vamp-aubio.dylib: dlopen(/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Vamp/vamp-aubio.dylib, 5): Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libaubio.dylib
  Referenced from: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Vamp/vamp-aubio.dylib
  Reason: image not found

Duplicate statement encountered on import in ImportFailOnDuplicates mode [with triple <( <> <> "Compute energy in each 40 mel-frequency bands" )>]
PluginRDFIndexer::pullURL: Document at duplicates triples found in earlier loaded document -- skipping it
ERROR: PluginRDFDescription::indexURL: No vamp:identifier for output <<>>
ERROR: PluginRDFDescription::indexURL: No vamp:identifier for output <<>>
Host Forum: Sonic Visualiser / Re: File size/length limit?
« Last post by cannam on March 03, 2015, 15:37:15 »
Hi Frazer -- I don't know about alternatives, but I can confirm that (sadly) SV can't currently handle this. Although SV is designed to handle files and analysis plots that don't fit in memory, there are still 32-bit length limits for some calculations internally.

This is one of the things that I'm working on in the background at the moment -- we've seen a few requests for a true 64-bit build for Windows (the current one is 32-bit only on that platform) but there doesn't seem much point while we aren't properly taking advantage of the architecture -- especially since all the current plugin builds are also 32-bit only and a 64-bit host can't currently run 32-bit plugins.

Host Forum: Sonic Visualiser / File size/length limit?
« Last post by frazer on February 27, 2015, 13:15:47 »
Hi all, thank you for accepting me to the forum!

I'm trying to produce an image for a file that's 24hrs long. It's a location recording from a property and I'm trying to display the background noise over the course of a day. The file is MP3 at 320kBps, SV eventually opens this but then shows no analysis. When I split the file into two CAF files, it'll open them but it can't 'zoom out' far enough to show the whole file onscreen.

Can anybody recommend any methods or potential alternative softwares to remedy this?

Thanks in advance,
Thank you for that.  The more I do this it seems my brain is being trained to more easily follow the contours of the melody.  It's great to have audio and visuals happening at the same time.  I'm finding I'm starting to more easily pick out the melody within the spectrogram and just use Melodia occasionally as a 'second opinion'.  This is a great tool.   
Host Forum: Sonic Visualiser / Re: portability of image files in SV
« Last post by cannam on January 27, 2015, 09:35:07 »
Hi -- this is possible by editing the saved .sv session file, which is a bzipped XML format. The process would be something like

  • copy the file to something.xml.bz2
  • find a program that can unzip a bz2 file and run it! (on Linux or OS/X this would be "bunzip2" at the command line, I'm not sure what your best option is on Windows at the moment) Thus producing something.xml
  • edit something.xml in a text editor and replace the paths of the images with your desired alternatives
  • re-zip the file back to something.xml.bz2, then rename it to

But I can see that this is far too complicated and that the way SV handles this by default is inadequate. I'll see what I can do to improve this for future releases.
Hi -- first off, I am fairly sure the answer is "no", at least with the current Sonic Visualiser release and the existing Melodia plugin.

What is actually happening here is that Melodia produces a series of values that happen to have the unit Hz, and when you mouse close to one of those, the value associated with the nearest point is printed. Sonic Visualiser is just printing out the value and unit that the plugin gave it, it isn't actually interpreting it in any way.

That said, this would be quite easy to improve in the code. Sonic Visualiser does have special handling in some places for known units such as Hz -- for example when calculating the vertical auto-align alignment between pitch and spectrogram layers. So it could be enhanced so as to do this conversion as well and show you both results.

So this is a great suggestion, I have made a note and hopefully might be able to include this in the next release, but I'm afraid for now the answer is that this isn't supported yet.
I am a new user of Sonic Visualiser, which I have been mainly using to work out transcriptions of songs into standard musical notation.  I have found a combination of a Melodic Range Spectrogram with a Melodia layer really helpful by showing a representation of the melodic line and enabling me to approximate notation of the melody.  The Melodia layer effectively highlights the vocal melody amongst what can sometimes be a quite busy-looking spectrogram.  There is, however, one annoyance associated with using this combination.  With just the Melodic Range Spectrogram by itself, wherever the pointer is situated on the spectrogram the pitch of the note closest to that point is identified.  However, when the Melodia layer is added, (as far as I can tell) that is no longer possible.  The pointer gives a value in Hertz, but not the music notation value.  I realise I could convert the Hertz value, but this would be fairly tedious and time-consuming, so what I tend to do is keep my eye on the spot and alternate between the spectrogram plus Melodia and the spectrogram only (where I’m able to read the note value).   So, my question is this: Is there any way, with the Melodia layer in place, that the note value (equivalent to the pointer position) can be shown?
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