Host Forum: Sonic Visualiser / What Plugins are needed to compare diffr. musical interpretations of a Symphony
« Last post by Apfelmatsch on April 24, 2015, 14:06:59 »What Plugins are needed to compare parameters of different musical interpretations (recordings) of classic music? In this case a Symphony conducted by different conductors.
do I need any of the plugins to have a complete test set for lets say "conservative" use? (compare what the conductor let the orchestra let sound/play/do different. Of course I know that the guy at the mixer will have an influence, too to some degree, but... anyway.)
It this is a stupid question, please don't ignore, but tell me, that it is stupid, so I don't wait for answers any longer.
do I need any of the plugins to have a complete test set for lets say "conservative" use? (compare what the conductor let the orchestra let sound/play/do different. Of course I know that the guy at the mixer will have an influence, too to some degree, but... anyway.)
It this is a stupid question, please don't ignore, but tell me, that it is stupid, so I don't wait for answers any longer.