"Plugin chaining is not something that's supported in the Vamp API, although you could write a Vamp plugin that was also a Vamp host and that loaded its own plugins. The Vamp API won't go out of its way to help you if you try to do this but I don't think it will stand in your way."
I don't realy understand your second sentence.
What do you mean ? (that's the topic
). Is it possible (and relatively easy, as I'm not a c++ crack) to do it in a host plugin ?
Sorry to take a while to come back to you on this (I've been on holiday).
All I meant was that the Vamp SDK does not contain any facility that is intended to support the development of plugins that are also hosts -- you would essentially have to write a Vamp host for yourself, using the Vamp Host SDK, within your plugin.
It should be possible to use the Vamp Host SDK from within a plugin, there certainly has never been any intention to prevent this from working. But I don't know of any existing plugin that does it, and I don't have any example code to offer.
Essentially you would probably want to take the example host code from something like vamp-simple-host in the SDK distribution, and add a plugin load scan into your plugin at the constructor or initialise phase, storing a pointer to your loaded plugin within the "wrapper" plugin, and then delete it in the destructor.
I suspect there may be details that would get fiddly enough to make this a job for the more experienced C++ developer, but I'm not certain (I haven't tried it myself either). I would in principle be interested in trying this myself, but time is too limited for me to be able to offer to do so.