Using Vamp Plugins and Hosts > Getting and Using Vamp Plugins



Directions for Windows plugins folder says to include path or paths followed by semi-colons.
Is vamp_path a file such as "VAMP_PATH" with no extension? or what?. I have tried creating this file and editing it to include the plugins location but no matter what I do, unless they are in the default prog folder, it does not see them.
How exactly, in windows, does one specify a plugins folder other than "C:\Program Files\Vamp Plugins" ?
Love this prog btw.


VAMP_PATH is an environment variable, not a file.  An environment variable is a setting within Windows that can be changed, or added, fairly readily by the user.  In this case, VAMP_PATH is something you can add that will be referred to by Vamp hosts (and will make no difference to any other aspect of your system).

To set it, go (in the normal Vista Start menu) to Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables, then under User Variables add a new entry named VAMP_PATH with the (semi-colon separated) list of folders you want to set.

If you happen to be running command-line programs from a command prompt, then you can set this variable by typing e.g.

--- Code: ---set VAMP_PATH=c:\path\to\folder;c:\path\to\other\folder

--- End code ---

at the command prompt.

Note that this path completely overrides the default path used by hosts.  So if you want hosts to continue looking in C:\Program Files\Vamp Plugins as well as any other location you specify, you will need to make sure that folder is in your VAMP_PATH as well.

For example, to add "C:\Users\me\My Plugins" to the path as well as the default location, set VAMP_PATH to

--- Code: ---C:\Users\me\My Plugins;C:\Program Files\Vamp Plugins

--- End code ---


I used ".\plugins\", where  plugins is a subfolder of sonic's. No need for a list at all. Just the addition of the variable.
This way my backup image stays as small as possible.
BTW, did you know the main exe can be compressed to ~7.56MB with upx? (entire folder with plugs is ~13.5MB!).
THANK YOU for this awesome program!
Use rights may prohibit this from ever becoming an automatic-script added feature. Just a thought. ALOHA

Mmm, thanks for the tip about upx.


I tried to install Vamp Plugins to Windows XP. I tried all hints in the Internet without success. Finally i succeeded: c:\Vamp Plugins is my folder to install VP there. I am very happy after 3 days of work to install.


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