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Messages - haze

Pages: 1 [2]
If you re-build the project (i.e. build from clean), do the files you imported from aubio (e.g. sample.c) appear in the log of files being compiled? 

Actually no, only plugins.cpp and the .cpp that i did for my analyzer appears.



You're quite sure that the Aubio library files were included in the build and link, at this point?

The most obvious reason why you would have symbols such as _del_fvec undefined in the link would be simply that the file that defines them (e.g. sample.c, in this case) was not compiled and/or linked with the build.  That is, either sample.c was not compiled into sample.o, or sample.o was not linked into your dll.

That could be the problem here.

But I don't know how to do it. I'm sorry, I'm new in using Visual Studio.

Could you give me the steps on how to create it (e.g. sample.c compiled to sample.o)

Thanks. It could be a big help.



I really badly need to solve this stuff.

I just did this steps in doing this project.

--I used VampExamplePlugins.vcproj to start. I added up VocalRangeAnalyzerPlugin.cpp and VocalRangeAnalyzerPlugin.h to the project.
--Then, i copied some codes from Pitchdetection.cpp file of Aubio. Then I added the aubio library files and put it on a folder called aubio.
--Then compile it and got that errors.
--Searched on Google about these errors and says that I need to link libraries. Got also an idea how to convert a .dll file into a .lib static library using the converter.
--Using vamp-aubio.dll, I got vamp-aubio.lib, linked it through project properties. Got that error above.

Did I miss something?




It's different.

These are the errors.

VocalRangeAnalyzerPlugin.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _del_fvec referenced in function "public: virtual __thiscall VocalRangeAnalyzerPlugin::~VocalRangeAnalyzerPlugin(void)" (??1VocalRangeAnalyzerPlugin@@UAE@XZ)

VocalRangeAnalyzerPlugin.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _del_aubio_pitchdetection referenced in function "public: virtual __thiscall VocalRangeAnalyzerPlugin::~VocalRangeAnalyzerPlugin(void)" (??1VocalRangeAnalyzerPlugin@@UAE@XZ)

...that's just 2 out of the 6 unresolved externals.


thanks for the reply.

i got vamp-aubio.lib for a .dll to .lib converter.

before linking this library, i got the same unresolved errors referenced from the functions in pitchdetection of aubio.

Alternatively, rather than trying to link against a static library, you might find it simpler to add the source files to your project and compile them all together.

I put the source files of aubio library in my project but still i got unresolved symbol errors.




i am making a vamp plugin and uses the plugin wrapper of aubio (pitchdetection).

i already linked the static library of vamp-aubio but i got this error when linking.

may i ask what is the runtime library used in building vamp-aubio static library coz i am encountering unresolved symbol errors. one of the possible cause is the compatibility of the runtime library use.

this is the error--

>vamp-aubio.lib(vamp-aubio.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp____lc_codepage referenced in function _VAMP-AUBIO_DllMain@12

hope anybody could help me with this problem. please..



Plugin Development / DSP Application for Vamp
« on: January 29, 2009, 17:35:56 »

Would it be possible to add a DSP Application for Vamp Plugin? Specifically filtering of sound signals.

If so, could anybody here help me to do it. This is a part of my undergrad study which I should filter first the sound signals after analyzing the voice ranges.

Thank you.


Plugin Development / Re: Coding in Vamp and Compiling it..
« on: January 29, 2009, 17:34:12 »

Would it be possible to add a DSP Application for Vamp Plugin? Specifically filtering of sound signals.

If so, could you help me to do it. This is a part of my undergrad study which I should filter first the sound signals before analyzing the voice ranges.

Thank you.


Plugin Development / Re: Coding in Vamp and Compiling it..
« on: January 27, 2009, 15:45:28 »

The process() function receives a single block of audio each time it is called, so if it can process one block and make a pitch discrimination based on only that block and any prior information it may have, then it can return a feature, perhaps one having a single value that indicates the class of voice (0 for soprano, 1 for tenor or whatever) with an appropriate label. 

This idea could be considered, if ever, the labels will be in the output() , right?.

Plugin Development / Re: Coding in Vamp and Compiling it..
« on: January 27, 2009, 14:06:13 »

If vamp doesn't have any filtering or DSP, can i add to the vamp codes on filtering the audio input because I am required to filter the noise first before analyzing the range? Also, where on the codes will I add it, is it still in the process() function or I'll add another function for it.

My sample codes is supposed to be "if" instead of "while", sorry for that.


Plugin Development / Re: Coding in Vamp and Compiling it..
« on: January 23, 2009, 07:22:52 »

I got to compile and build .vcproj in MVSC++ 2008.

I would like to ask if it would be possible if I put these sample codes to process() method:

           while(m_minfreq >= 270 && m_maxfreq <= 1100) {

--that is by basis of frequency. soprano is in the range of 270-1100 hz. could that be possible?.



Plugin Development / Re: Coding in Vamp and Compiling it..
« on: January 21, 2009, 08:06:10 »
Also, do i need to add DSP application on my plugin such as filtering the noise? Or Vamp already caters DSP.

Plugin Development / Re: Coding in Vamp and Compiling it..
« on: January 21, 2009, 07:59:15 »

As i open VampExamplePlugins.vcproj, there opens a Visual Studio Conversion Wizard which says that 'the solution or project was created in a previous version of Visual Studio. It must be converted to the format used by this version...' As I proceed it cannot be converted. What is that?

I used some of the codes of aubio pitch detection plugin, does it also mean that i have to include the aubio shared library? Where could I get the documentation of the aubio plugins? I mean the documentation of their codes.


Plugin Development / Coding in Vamp and Compiling it..
« on: January 19, 2009, 15:36:14 »
Good day!

I already started coding my project, and used PercusionOnsetDetector  codes and modify it. I will be using audio-signal processing for the plugin.

I would like to ask for help if anybody here got some idea on how to code the actual process of my plugin. To recall, I will have a pre-recorded track and the plugin will get the range of frequencies of the high and low notes. By that, it will output the vocal range which is soprano, bass, etc.

And, what compiler should I use to compile the codes in Vamp SDK?. I can't compile/build it using MS Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition. Do i have to compile something first before i could compile my own codes?..

I've downloaded all that has to be downloaded as stated in the Vamp website.

Thanks ahead.

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